Team working in pit after match.
Katie as the star of the day at competition.
456's robot in the pit.
Team chilling in the pit.
Kris working on the bot.
Katie handing out safety bags.
Chuck (left), Larry (middle), and Kris (right) testing the robot.
Kris (left) and Larry (right) driving the robot at competition.
Larry (left) and Kris (right)
Kris (left) and Larry (right) driving the robot at competition.
Team cheering at competition.
Matt (left) and Larry (right) testing robot at competition.
(Left to right) Ginny, Matt, Larry, and Kris working on robot.
Kris cleaning glass at competition.
Matt (left), Kris (middle) and Larry (right) vandalizing the competition field.
(left to right) Katie, Molly, Kris, Larry, and Chase at competition.
(left to right) Katie, Chase, Kris, Larry, and Molly at competition.
Viking 456 FRC robotics.
Kris and Larry driving with chuck behind them.
Robot at competition.
Larry and Kris testing robot in pit.
Robot during a match.
Robot during a match.
Raising the ball over the bar.
Robot in pit.
Team gathered around the bot.
Team picture at competition.